A Fresh Coat

Wildflower Baby Girl Nursery

NurseriesJenny SulpizioComment

Ahhhh, nurseries.

There’s nothing like decorating one.

The planning, dreaming, and nesting that takes place during those nine months in the space your sweet little one will soon grace…I just love being a part of it.

Like, every second of it. It’s truly such an honor for me.

So, when Mrs. “D” contacted me and mentioned she needed her nursery done, I squealed. And when she messaged me with an update to tell me her baby was a girl, I squealed even louder (believe me—it wasn’t pretty but I was excited, you know?).

But enough of my blabber. Lets start from the begining.

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This home office had served its time and was definitely ready to get revamped/transformed into a sweet baby girl’s nursery.

The fun part? At our consultation, Mrs. “D” already had a slew of amazing ideas in store for this space. Lots of cool elements were about to be implemented. So, after returning home I immediately got to work on the vision board.

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Beautiful grey furniture, in combination with gorgeous wallpaper and moldings, along with varying hues of pinks (and more pinks) were going to form the inner workings of this soon-to-be amazing space.

Seriously—how precious is this?!

Next step? Wallpaper selection.

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This was a tough decision. The samples received were all so gorgeous! Large flowers, small flowers, ivory backgrounds, and grey backgrounds—seriously hard to choose, but in the end, we opted for the guy right in the middle—large flowers, white background, with beautiful shades of greens and grey.

Another option was whether or not we would use the wallpaper on one wall (a feature wall), or throughout the whole room. After much consideration, all signs pointed to wallpaper on all four walls!

Now it was time for the wall treatments!

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Nate Koogle got to work creatting the board and batten these babies. Hey, go big or go home and we definitely went for it…

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…on all…

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But we couldn’t leave them like this…not when a beautiful grey/green color could be used instead. Introducing Sherwin Williams Farm to Table.

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How pretty is this color?! Just wait, though! Paired with the wallpaper selection, it picks up those shades of green magically.

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Mr. and Mrs. “D” totally rocked the installation of this wallpaper by the way. Wow!

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I mean, for reals.

Alright, it’s finally time to reveal the finished product. It’s time to show the rest of the sweet details that went into making this nursery for sweet baby, “E.”

Ready? Me, too!

Remember the “before?”

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Here’s the “after.”

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If I could fit into the crib, I would move in, but since that’s not possible, I can’t wait for baby “E” to grow up here.

How about you? What’s your favorite part in decorating a nursery?

The Details

Paint: Sherwin Williams Farm To Table

Paint Labor: A Fresh Coat-Yuma

Wall Moldings/Board and Batten/ Trim Work: Nate Koogle

Wallpaper: Anewall Decor

Dresser: IKEA Hemnes

Crib/Rocker: Client’s Pieces

Draperies: Pottery Barn Kids

Bedding: Pottery Barn Kids

Mirror: Creative Co-Op

Shelving: Michael’s

Area Rug: Overstock

Wildflower Sign: Fearfully Made Creations

Ceiling Fan: Overstock